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VisitWill Chinese military personnel be confirmed in Panama Canal operations by the end of 2025?
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Official statements from Panamanian government or credible international news agencies
Panama President Denies Chinese Interference in Canal, Rejects Trump's Control Demands Amid Protests and New Ambassador Appointment
Dec 26, 2024, 05:19 PM
Panamanian President Jose Raul Mulino has firmly denied any Chinese interference in the operations of the Panama Canal, directly addressing claims made by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. Mulino emphasized that there are no Chinese military personnel or any other foreign power involved in the canal's management. He clarified that the only Chinese presence in Panama relates to tourists visiting the canal's visitor center or passengers on cruise ships. Mulino also rejected Trump's suggestion to negotiate over the canal's control, asserting that the canal is Panamanian and belongs to Panamanians. Additionally, Mulino dismissed Trump's call for reduced tolls for U.S. warships, stating that toll rates are set through a public and open process, not by presidential whim. The Panamanian leader also noted that Trump's comments might stem from legitimate geopolitical concerns from a U.S. perspective but stressed that these concerns do not reflect the reality in Panama. Mulino encouraged more U.S. companies to participate in Panamanian project bids, emphasizing Panama's openness to foreign investment regardless of the investors' nationality. He also mentioned Trump's appointment of Kevin Marino as the next U.S. ambassador to Panama, expressing surprise at the young age of the appointee. Furthermore, protests occurred outside the U.S. embassy in Panama City, with demonstrators chanting against Trump's canal-related comments.
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Strengthen ties with U.S. • 25%
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