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Beverage Digest data, Wall Street Journal reports
Dr Pepper Ties with Pepsi for No. 2 Spot in U.S. Soda Market After Four Decades
Jun 3, 2024, 02:15 PM
Dr Pepper has tied with Pepsi for the second spot in the U.S. soda market, according to new research reported by the Wall Street Journal and citing Beverage Digest data. This marks the end of Pepsi's four-decade-long hold on the No. 2 position, with Coca-Cola remaining the top soda brand. Texas' own Dr Pepper's rise is attributed to heavy marketing spending, the introduction of unique flavors, and its popularity on TikTok.
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Dr Pepper grows faster • 33%
Pepsi grows faster • 33%
Both grow at the same rate • 34%
1. Coca-Cola 2. Dr Pepper 3. Pepsi • 33%
1. Coca-Cola 2. Pepsi 3. Dr Pepper • 33%
1. Coca-Cola 2. Dr Pepper and Pepsi (tie) • 34%
Coca-Cola • 33%
Pepsi • 33%
Dr Pepper • 34%
Ozempic gains over 30% market share • 25%
Ozempic gains 10-30% market share • 25%
Ozempic gains less than 10% market share • 25%
Ozempic loses market share • 25%
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10% to 20% • 25%
20% to 30% • 25%
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20%-40% • 25%
40%-60% • 25%
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Less than 10% • 33%
10% to 20% • 33%
More than 20% • 34%
More than 12% • 33%
Less than 10% • 33%
10% to 12% • 33%
0 new flavors • 33%
1 new flavor • 33%
2 or more new flavors • 33%