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VisitWill orange juice prices return to early 2023 levels by end of 2024?
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Market data on orange juice prices from commodity exchanges
Orange Juice Prices Surge to $476 per Pound Amid Adverse Weather and Crop Diseases in Brazil
May 29, 2024, 08:34 AM
Orange juice prices have surged to record highs, driven by adverse weather conditions and crop diseases in Brazil, the world's largest exporter. As of now, orange juice prices have reached $476 per pound, up from $207 at the beginning of 2023 and $146 at the start of 2022. Concentrated orange juice futures have also hit $4.92 per pound, nearly double the price from a year ago. Crippling shortages and rising prices are expected to impact consumers significantly and could fundamentally reshape the global orange juice industry, leading to a shift towards other fruit juices.
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Increase by over 20% • 25%
Decrease by over 20% • 25%
Remain stable (+/- 5%) • 25%
Moderate change (+/- 5% to 20%) • 25%
Mandarin Juice • 25%
Apple Juice • 25%
Grape Juice • 25%
Pineapple Juice • 25%
Increase by over 10% • 25%
Increase by 5-10% • 25%
Increase by less than 5% • 25%
No significant change or decrease • 25%
No • 50%
Yes • 50%
Moderate shift (10-20% reduction) • 25%
No shift (no change in consumption) • 25%
Significant shift (>20% reduction in orange juice consumption) • 25%
Minimal shift (<10% reduction) • 25%
No recovery (prices remain near current levels) • 25%
Partial recovery (prices higher than pre-2023 but lower than current) • 25%
Full recovery to pre-2023 prices • 25%
Worsening (prices increase further) • 25%