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Netanyahu Tells Iranians Khamenei Fears Them More Than Israel, Highlights $2.3 Billion Missile Cost
Nov 12, 2024, 05:41 PM
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has delivered a direct message to the Iranian people, stating that the regime of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei fears the Iranian populace more than it fears Israel. "There's one thing Khamenei's regime fears more than Israel. It's you—the people of Iran. Don't lose hope. Don't let your dreams die," Netanyahu said. He emphasized that with each passing day, the Iranian regime grows weaker while Israel becomes stronger, noting that the world has seen only a fraction of Israel's power. Netanyahu asserted that Iran's recent missile attack on Israel cost Iran $2.3 billion—funds that could have been used to benefit its own citizens—and that the missiles did marginal damage to Israel. He warned that any further attacks would cripple Iran's economy.
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