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PfizerForAll: Pfizer Launches Telehealth Platform for Direct Medication Sales
Aug 27, 2024, 12:13 PM
Pfizer has launched a new digital platform, PfizerForAll™, aimed at simplifying access to healthcare by selling medications directly to consumers. This initiative is part of Pfizer's strategy to address declining demand for its COVID-19 products and follows a similar move by Eli Lilly earlier this year. The platform will offer products for conditions such as migraines, COVID-19, flu, and respiratory illnesses, integrating services like diagnosis, prescribing, telehealth, and vaccine scheduling. Key partners, including Alto Pharmacy, are involved in this direct-to-consumer model, which highlights a growing trend in the pharmaceutical industry towards telehealth and online prescription services.
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COVID-19 medication • 25%
Respiratory illness medication • 25%
Migraine medication • 25%
Flu medication • 25%