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BrainBridge by Decapatech Unveils AI-Driven World's First Head Transplant System
May 22, 2024, 12:58 PM
BrainBridge, a project by Decapatech, has exited stealth mode, unveiling an ambitious project to develop the world's first head transplant system. This groundbreaking technology integrates advanced robotics and artificial intelligence to execute complete head and face transplantation procedures. The system aims to offer new hope to patients with severe conditions such as stage-4 cancer, spinal cord injuries, and neurodegenerative diseases. BrainBridge's concept promises to transplant a patient's head onto a brain-dead donor body, retaining consciousness, memories, and cognitive abilities. The startup plans to perform the first procedure within the next decade. Potential team members can apply to work on BCI and spinal cord reconstruction. Notable figures like HashemGhaili have shown interest in the project.
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