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Ukraine Unveils 'Tryzub' Laser Weapon, Targets Aircraft at 2 km Altitude
Dec 16, 2024, 05:29 PM
Ukraine has unveiled a new laser weapon system named 'Tryzub', capable of targeting aircraft at altitudes over 2 kilometers, according to Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi, Commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Sukharevskyi stated that Ukraine is now among the fifth countries in the world to possess such technology. The laser weapon, which is operational and being developed for further enhancements, was presented at the 'European Defense Industry: Prospects for Cooperation with the Ukrainian Defense Industry' conference. Additionally, Ukraine is advancing its drone technology with the development of 'mother drones' that can carry two FPV (first-person view) light attack drones over 70 kilometers into enemy territory, serving as repeaters and hitting deep targets.
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