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VisitNine Heat-Seeking Missiles Smuggled into U.S. by Sinaloa Cartel to Target Trump Force One
Sep 26, 2024, 09:38 PM
Reports have emerged that nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the U.S. through the New Mexico border. The intended target is reportedly Trump Force One, the private plane of former President Donald Trump. Intelligence sources indicate that the Sinaloa Cartel facilitated the smuggling of these shoulder-fired missiles for Iranian-backed militants. Three operational teams are said to be in place within the U.S. to execute the attack. Both Trump and U.S. intelligence agencies have been informed of the threat. The Secret Service is recommending alternative travel arrangements for Trump's campaign. Fox News aired the initial reports, and a confidential human source relayed information to Baz.
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Official statements from law enforcement agencies or media reports confirming arrests.
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Official statements from Donald Trump's campaign or media reports confirming the switch.
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Official statements from U.S. intelligence agencies or news reports confirming the interception.
Increased border security • 25%
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Public advisory to Trump • 25%
Covert operations to neutralize threat • 25%
Official statements from U.S. intelligence agencies or media reports confirming the response.
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Intercepted by U.S. authorities • 25%
Still at large • 25%
Official statements from U.S. intelligence agencies or news reports confirming the outcome.
Neither • 25%
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Missiles recovered • 25%
Both arrests and recovery • 25%
Official statements from law enforcement agencies or media reports confirming the outcome.