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VisitRe-election of Minaam Ellahi in Rochdale?
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Official Rochdale local election results
WPB Gains Rochdale Seats; Ellahi and Ahmed Win
May 3, 2024, 01:59 PM
In the recent Rochdale local elections, the Workers Party of Britain (WPB) secured significant gains, winning two seats from Labour. Minaam Ellahi won in the Milkstone and Deeplish ward with 1,812 votes and a majority of 1,099, while Farooq Ahmed captured Central Rochdale with 2,016 votes. The election results showed a notable shift in voter preference, with WPB gaining 53% of the votes in Central Rochdale, a dramatic increase from previous figures. Labour's representation in the council now stands at 44 seats, a decrease of one seat, while the Workers Party has increased their seats to two. The voter turnout was 37.67%.
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Gain more seats • 33%
Lose seats • 33%
No significant change • 34%
Labour • 33%
Conservative • 33%
Reform UK • 33%
Labour • 40%
Other • 20%
Workers Party of Britain • 40%
30% to 40% • 25%
Over 50% • 25%
Under 30% • 25%
40% to 50% • 25%