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VisitOutcome of CNN's debate criteria controversy
Criteria unchanged • 33%
Criteria revised • 33%
Debate canceled • 33%
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Files FEC Complaint Against Biden, Trump, and CNN Over June 27 Debate
May 29, 2024, 08:15 PM
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against CNN and the campaigns of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Kennedy alleges that CNN colluded with Biden and Trump to create debate-qualifying criteria that unfairly exclude him from participating in the upcoming presidential debate scheduled for June 27. The complaint, filed on May 29, claims that the criteria set by CNN violate federal election laws, as they are designed to keep Kennedy off the debate stage. The Kennedy campaign argues that both Biden and Trump do not meet the criteria themselves, and the rules were established to favor their inclusion while excluding Kennedy.
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CNN • 25%
Fox News • 25%
MSNBC • 25%
Other • 25%
Complaint dismissed • 33%
Debate criteria amended • 33%
Other resolution • 34%
Biden declared winner • 50%
Trump declared winner • 50%
Joe Biden • 25%
Donald Trump • 25%
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. • 25%
Other • 25%
Economy • 25%
Healthcare • 25%
Foreign policy • 25%
Immigration • 25%
At least one doesn't meet criteria • 50%
Both meet criteria • 50%
Biden, Trump, Kennedy • 33%
Other combinations • 33%
Biden and Trump only • 33%