Conviction of indicted former PRF officials by end of 2025?
Yes • 50%
No • 50%
Official court records and announcements from Brazilian judicial authorities
Brazil's Federal Police Indicts Nine Former PRF Officials for 2022 Election Interference in Northeast Favoring Bolsonaro
Jan 22, 2025, 11:07 AM
The Polícia Federal (PF) has concluded an investigation into the illegal actions of the Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) that aimed to impede voter movement in the Northeast during the second round of the 2022 elections. As a result, the PF has indicted four former directors and coordinators of the PRF for their involvement in these crimes. Additionally, five more ex-directors of the PRF have also been indicted for attempting to obstruct voter transportation on the day of the presidential election. The investigation highlights allegations of interference that favored former President Jair Bolsonaro during the electoral process.
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Trial still pending • 25%
All acquitted • 25%
Some convicted, some acquitted • 25%
All convicted • 25%
Charges dismissed • 25%
No charges filed • 25%
Charges filed but not convicted • 25%
Convicted • 25%