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VisitMicrosoft Develops 500B Parameter MAI-1 AI Model to Compete with Google, OpenAI
May 6, 2024, 05:55 PM
Microsoft is actively developing a new large language model named MAI-1, featuring 500 billion parameters, as part of its strategy to compete in the AI space with giants like Google and OpenAI. This initiative, led by Mustafa Suleyman, marks a significant shift in Microsoft's approach to AI, moving towards creating proprietary technology rather than relying solely on partnerships, such as their existing collaboration with OpenAI. The development of MAI-1, which could directly compete with LLMs from Google, is seen as a strategic move to ensure Microsoft remains competitive, especially as their Bing teams were previously noted as unable to compete without external aid. The new model is expected to be showcased at Microsoft's upcoming Build conference.
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