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VisitXiaomi Auto deliver over 10,000 SU7 units in August 2024?
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Xiaomi's official monthly delivery report
Xiaomi Auto Delivers Over 10,000 SU7 Units in June, Expects Similar Figures in July, $XIACY $XIACF
Jul 1, 2024, 02:33 AM
Xiaomi's EV arm, Xiaomi Auto, achieved a significant milestone in June by delivering over 10,000 units of its SU7 model. This marks the first time the company has reached this delivery volume in a single month. The company is optimistic about maintaining this momentum, expecting to deliver over 10,000 units in July as well. In previous months, Xiaomi Auto delivered 7,058 units in April and 8,630 units in May. The company announced these figures on Weibo, highlighting the growing demand for its electric vehicles. Xiaomi's stock tickers $XIACY and $XIACF were mentioned in the announcement.
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