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VisitWill Wayne Gretzky publicly decline interest in running for Prime Minister of Canada by end of 2025?
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Trump Endorses Wayne Gretzky, 'The Great One,' for Prime Minister of Canada, Suggests DRAFT WAYNE GRETZKY Movement
Dec 25, 2024, 08:12 PM
President-elect Donald Trump has suggested that Wayne Gretzky, the legendary Canadian ice hockey player, should run for the position of Prime Minister of Canada, which Trump referred to as the 'Governor of Canada.' During a recent conversation, Trump expressed confidence in Gretzky's potential candidacy, stating that he would win easily without the need for a campaign. Trump’s endorsement has sparked discussions about a possible 'DRAFT WAYNE GRETZKY' movement among Canadian citizens, aimed at encouraging the hockey icon to enter the political arena. Gretzky, known as 'The Great One,' has not publicly expressed interest in pursuing a political career.
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