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VisitWill Trump propose legislation to abolish the debt ceiling by mid-2025?
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Official legislative records from the U.S. Congress
Trump Vows to 'Lead the Charge' to Abolish Debt Ceiling; Warren Agrees
Dec 19, 2024, 02:38 PM
President-elect Donald Trump has called for abolishing the U.S. debt ceiling, describing it as a 'fake thing' and a 'psychological limit' with no real value in controlling debt. In a phone interview with NBC News on Thursday, Trump said, 'The Democrats have said they want to get rid of it. If they want to get rid of it, I would lead the charge.' His stance aligns with Democratic efforts earlier in May 2023 to eliminate the debt ceiling, which faced opposition from Republicans at the time. Senator Elizabeth Warren expressed agreement with Trump, stating on social media, 'I agree with President-elect Trump that Congress should terminate the debt limit and never again govern by hostage taking.'
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Debt ceiling abolished • 25%
Debt ceiling remains with increased limit • 25%
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