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VisitWill there be a significant change in FFF voting structure by 2028?
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Official announcements or changes in the FFF electoral process
Diallo Re-elected FFF President with 55.34% of Votes, Aims to Boost Amateur and Women's Football
Dec 14, 2024, 11:56 AM
Philippe Diallo has been re-elected as President of the French Football Federation (FFF) for a four-year term, securing 55.34% of the votes in an election held in Paris. Diallo, who initially took over in January 2023 following the resignation of Noël Le Graët amid allegations of misconduct, won against Pierre Samsonoff, a former ally of Le Graët. The vote was expanded to include amateur clubs, district leagues, and professional clubs, each with an equal say in the election. Diallo's re-election signifies a mandate to continue his work, focusing on increasing financial support for amateur football, aiming to raise the annual budget from 100 million euros to 150 million euros by 2028, and promoting women's football with a goal to double its membership to 500,000 within five years. The FFF, the largest sports federation in France with 2.4 million members, has shown democratic maturity in this election process. Diallo also highlighted a 100 million euros per year contract with Nike starting in 2026.
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Proportional allocation • 25%
Winner-takes-all • 25%
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Abuagla Keikal reinstated • 25%
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RSF disbanded • 25%
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Leadership change due to international pressure • 25%
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Expansion of youth football programs • 25%
Further increase in budget for amateur football • 25%
New initiatives for women's football • 25%