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VisitWill the average claim amount exceed $250 in Walmart's settlement?
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Final report from the settlement administrator
Walmart Shoppers Have Just Over a Week to Claim Up to $500 from $45M Settlement
May 28, 2024, 05:00 PM
Walmart shoppers have just over a week to claim up to $500 in settlement cash from a $45 million class action settlement. The payout amount depends on the amount spent and whether receipts are available. Eligible customers can expect to receive between $10 and $500.
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Meet high end of guidance • 33%
Exceed guidance • 33%
Fail to meet guidance • 33%
Less than $10 million • 25%
$10-$50 million • 25%
$51-$100 million • 25%
More than $100 million • 25%
Under $100 million • 25%
$100 million to $250 million • 25%
$250 million to $500 million • 25%
Over $500 million • 25%
50,001 to 100,000 claims • 25%
Over 100,000 claims • 25%
Under 10,000 claims • 25%
10,000 to 50,000 claims • 25%
Most claims under $100 • 25%
Most claims at $500 • 25%
Most claims between $251 and $499 • 25%
Most claims between $100 and $250 • 25%