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VisitWill Tekion raise another funding round by the end of 2024?
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Tekion Achieves $4 Billion Valuation with $200 Million Growth Capital Investment from Dragoneer
Jul 16, 2024, 05:07 PM
Tekion, an automotive technology company, has achieved a valuation of over $4 billion following a $200 million investment in growth capital from Dragoneer Investment Group. The firm, founded by former Tesla executive Jay Vijayan, has raised a total of $640 million to date from investors including General Motors, BMW I Ventures, Exor, and Hyundai. The latest funding round marks a significant milestone for Tekion, which provides technology solutions for automotive businesses. This investment indicates a possible comeback for late stage rounds.
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Less than $100M • 25%
$100M - $200M • 25%
$200M - $300M • 25%
More than $300M • 25%
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30% to 40% • 25%
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Less than $4.5 billion • 25%
$4.5 billion to $5 billion • 25%
$5 billion to $5.5 billion • 25%