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VisitWill spot gold price reach a new all-time high by the end of July 2024?
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Publicly available gold price data from financial news outlets such as Bloomberg or Reuters
Spot Gold Surges Above $2,400/Oz for First Time Since May, Nears Record High
Jul 11, 2024, 12:49 PM
Spot gold prices have climbed above $2,400 per ounce, marking the first time since May that the precious metal has reached this level. The price increase, which is nearly 1%, brings gold closer to its all-time high. As of now, gold is under $7 per ounce away from closing at record highs. This surge in gold prices reflects a significant gain of $50, indicating strong market performance and investor interest.
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Below $2,250 per ounce • 25%
$2,250 - $2,500 per ounce • 25%
$2,500 - $2,750 per ounce • 25%
Above $2,750 per ounce • 25%
Increase by more than 10% • 25%
Increase by 0-10% • 25%
Decrease by 0-10% • 25%
Decrease by more than 10% • 25%
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$2,400 - $2,500 • 25%
Below $2,300 • 25%
Above $2,500 • 25%
$2,300 - $2,400 • 25%
Above $2,400 • 25%
$2,350 - $2,400 • 25%
Below $2,300 • 25%
$2,300 - $2,350 • 25%