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Bangladesh Shuts Schools Amid Deadly Protests Over Job Quotas, 32 Dead, Complete Shutdown Called
Jul 18, 2024, 07:07 AM
Violent protests have erupted across Bangladesh as students demonstrate against a government-imposed quota system for civil service jobs. The protests have resulted in the deaths of at least 32 people and hundreds of injuries. The government has responded by deploying paramilitary forces, shutting down schools and universities indefinitely, and imposing restrictions on social media and mobile internet services. The clashes have involved students, police, and members of the pro-government student body, Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL). The protests, which began over a 30% job quota for the families of ex-soldiers, have led to significant disruptions in major cities, including Dhaka, where parts of the city have been blockaded. The unrest has also seen the state TV headquarters set ablaze, with many people reportedly trapped inside. Student protesters have called for a complete shutdown nationwide, and police have raided the headquarters of the main opposition party.
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