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VisitWill rescue teams access the sinkhole for investigation by December 15, 2024?
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Reports from the rescue operation teams or Pennsylvania State Police
Elizabeth Pollard, 64, Missing; Feared Fallen into 30-Foot Sinkhole While Searching for Cat in Pennsylvania
Dec 4, 2024, 12:56 AM
A 64-year-old Pennsylvania woman, Elizabeth Pollard, is believed to have fallen into a 30-foot-deep sinkhole that formed suddenly while she was searching for her missing cat, Pepper, in Unity Township, Westmoreland County. Pollard went missing around 1 a.m. on Tuesday after she went out to look for her cat. Her five-year-old granddaughter was found in a car near the hole. Authorities, including Pennsylvania State Police and first responders, are conducting a search and rescue operation. A sinkhole, possibly connected to an abandoned coal mine, was discovered near where her vehicle was parked, and a camera captured a shoe inside the hole. The sinkhole had no prior evidence of existence before Pollard's search. Rescue efforts have continued into a second day, and officials remain optimistic despite more than 24 hours having passed. However, the abandoned mine is becoming compromised and unsafe.
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Fill the sinkhole • 25%
Secure the area • 25%
No action taken • 25%
Other remedial action • 25%
Sinkhole Filled • 25%
Area Secured • 25%
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No negligence found • 25%
Investigation inconclusive • 25%
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Limited to current area • 25%
Extended to nearby properties • 25%
Caused structural damage to buildings • 25%
Widespread area affected • 25%
No • 50%
Yes • 50%
Construction Activity • 25%
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Abandoned Mine • 25%
Natural Erosion • 25%
Cat Not Found • 25%
Cat Found Alive • 25%
Cat Found but Unrelated to Incident • 25%
Cat Found Deceased • 25%