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VisitWill NASA find evidence that the Gediz Vallis channel was formed by volcanic activity by the end of 2024?
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NASA's Curiosity Rover Discovers Pure Sulfur Crystals in 41st Sample Hole on Mars
Jul 19, 2024, 05:58 PM
NASA's Curiosity Rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals inside a rock. This unexpected find occurred when the rover accidentally drove over the rock on May 30, causing it to crack open and reveal the yellow crystals. This is the first time elemental sulfur has been detected on Mars. The discovery was made in the Gediz Vallis channel, a region believed to have been shaped by ancient floods. The crystals were found in the rover's 41st sample hole. Scientists are now investigating how these sulfur crystals formed and what their presence indicates about the Martian environment.
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