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VisitWill LNER strikes continue until end of November 2024?
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UK Train Drivers Secure 15% Pay Rise; LNER Strikes Continue
Aug 16, 2024, 05:08 AM
The UK train drivers' union, Aslef, has reached a deal with the government to end a long-running pay dispute, which has caused rail strikes for over two years. The agreement includes a three-year pay increase of 15% with no conditions attached, raising the average train driver's salary from £60,000 to £69,000. This deal will be put to a member referendum for approval. Despite this agreement, train drivers on the London North Eastern Railway (LNER) have announced a series of 22 strikes every weekend from the end of August until November, citing issues unrelated to pay, such as a breakdown in industrial relations and management practices.
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Management practices improved • 25%
Industrial relations improved • 25%
Both issues resolved • 25%
No resolution • 25%
More than 10% increase • 25%
No further demands • 25%
Up to 5% increase • 25%
5%-10% increase • 25%