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News reports and official statements from the Kenyan medical union (KMPDU)
Kenyan Doctor JaPrado Abducted While Organizing Blood Donation Drive Amid Protests
Jun 23, 2024, 02:58 PM
Dr. Austin Omondi, also known as JaPrado, was abducted while organizing a blood donation drive for injured protestors. The Kenyan medical union (KMPDU) has condemned the abduction, allegedly by government agents, and demanded his immediate release by midnight or threatened a nationwide medical shutdown. Dr. Omondi, who has been mobilizing doctors to serve during the protests, reported that he was taken by the Kenya Police and NIS, and his family and legal representatives have been denied access to him. The abduction occurred at the Sikh Union, and the car used was identified as KCU 819H. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for his release under the hashtag #FreeJaprado.
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