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IDF Investigates Soldiers for Pushing Bodies of Three Palestinians Off Roof in Qabatiya Raid
Sep 20, 2024, 12:00 PM
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have launched an investigation following the emergence of videos showing Israeli soldiers pushing the bodies of Palestinian men off rooftops during a raid in Qabatiya, a town in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. The incident, which occurred on Thursday, has been widely condemned and described as a serious violation of IDF values. According to reports, the soldiers were filmed shoving the bodies of at least three Palestinians, who were killed during an exchange of fire, from the roof of a building. The footage has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the conduct of Israeli forces in the occupied territories. An Associated Press journalist at the scene confirmed the events, and the IDF has stated that the incident is under review. The raid resulted in the deaths of at least seven Palestinians, and the bodies were reportedly mutilated before being thrown off the roof. Additionally, the Israeli military opened fire on a group of journalists filming the raid from a nearby building.
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