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Study Finds Microplastics in Human and Canine Testicles, Published in BMC Urology
May 20, 2024, 02:51 PM
A recent study has revealed the presence of microplastics in human and canine reproductive systems, including testicles and the male prostate gland. Researchers examined 23 human and 47 pairs of dog testicles and found microplastics in every sample. The study, published in BMC Urology, found microplastics in every human testicle examined, which may be linked to a global decline in sperm counts. Additionally, the study detected microplastics in the male prostate for the first time, raising concerns about potential associations with prostate cancer. The presence of microplastics has also been linked to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and liver failure. The findings suggest that microplastics could be a significant factor in various health issues, emphasizing the need for further research and potential regulatory actions to mitigate exposure.
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