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VisitWhich hospital(s) in Al-Fashir will reopen by the end of 2024?
South Hospital • 33%
One of the remaining two hospitals • 33%
None • 33%
Public announcements by the hospitals or official confirmation by WHO or Doctors Without Borders
South Hospital in Al-Fashir Closes After Paramilitary Attack
Jun 10, 2024, 08:56 AM
The last civilian hospital in Al-Fashir, the capital of North Darfur, Sudan, has been forced to close following a paramilitary attack. The hospital, known as South Hospital, was the only facility with surgical capacity in the region and has been overwhelmed by the influx of patients, most of whom are women and children. The closure has placed immense pressure on the remaining two hospitals, which are now operating beyond their capacity. Karin Huster, a medical coordinator with Doctors Without Borders, highlighted the dire situation, noting the significant impact on access to life-saving services. The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed deep concern over the attack and its consequences for the local population.
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Sudanese Government • 33%
WHO • 33%
Doctors Without Borders • 34%
Improves significantly • 33%
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Remains dire • 33%
Health services restored • 33%
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Worsening health crisis • 34%
RSF halts siege • 25%
RSF withdraws completely • 25%
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WHO sends medical supplies • 33%
MSF sets up a field hospital • 33%
No significant response • 34%
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No • 50%
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South Hospital • 25%
None • 25%
One of the remaining two hospitals • 25%
Newly established hospital • 25%