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VisitWhat will be the ownership status of KICC by mid-2025?
Remains with Ministry of Tourism • 33%
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Official government records or court rulings
Justice Mogeni Rules KICC Belongs to Ministry of Tourism, Revokes KANU's 1989 Title
Jun 3, 2024, 08:33 AM
A court has ruled that the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) belongs to the Ministry of Tourism, rejecting the Kenya African National Union's (KANU) claim to the property. KANU argued that it held an indefeasible title to KICC since 1969, but the government maintained that KICC is a public space. Justice Jacqueline Mogeni presided over the case and revoked the title issued to KANU in 1989, affirming the Ministry of Tourism as the lawful owner. KANU was ousted from KICC in 2003.
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