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VisitWhat will be the outcome of the French government's acquisition bid for Atos's computing division by March 31, 2025?
Acquisition completed at €500M • 25%
Acquisition completed at €625M • 25%
Acquisition completed at a different amount • 25%
No acquisition • 25%
Official announcements from Atos or the French government
French State in Exclusive Talks to Acquire Atos's Advanced Computing Division for €500M, Potential €625M
Nov 25, 2024, 08:07 AM
Atos, the French IT company, has entered into exclusive negotiations with the French state for the potential sale of its advanced computing division. The French government has submitted a non-binding bid estimated at €500 million for this strategic activity, with the total deal value potentially reaching €625 million including earn-outs. The acquisition is seen as crucial for France's digital sovereignty, particularly in areas like defense and innovation. The deal involves high-performance servers and supercomputers, technologies deemed critical for national security and economic growth. Atos's shares have seen a positive impact, with Factset Research Systems shares rising 1.14% premarket following the announcement.
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