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VisitWhat will be the impact of Western sanctions on YouTube's operations in Russia by June 30, 2025?
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Reports from YouTube, Roscomnadzor, news articles
Putin Supports Roscomnadzor's Restrictions on Google and YouTube, Cites YouTube Slowdown
Dec 19, 2024, 01:30 PM
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on Google and YouTube to comply with Russian laws, emphasizing that these platforms must avoid using the internet to advance the political objectives of their respective governments. Putin's remarks come in the context of ongoing tensions between Russia and Western tech companies, particularly regarding content regulation and compliance with local legislation. He highlighted that if these companies wish to operate in Russia, they must adhere to Russian laws, or face the possibility of working only in their home countries. Putin also criticized the platforms for allegedly manipulating search results to promote political propaganda instead of providing the cultural or musical content users seek, and for diminishing the visibility of Russian artists, bloggers, and politicians. Additionally, Putin supported the restrictions imposed by Roscomnadzor on these platforms and attributed the current slowdown of YouTube in Russia to the impact of Western sanctions, which have led Google to reduce funding and equipment supply for its operations in the country.
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Google complies with demands • 25%
Russia blocks Google • 25%
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