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Israel Unanimously Approves $11 Million Plan to Double Golan Heights Population Amid Regional Tensions
Dec 15, 2024, 08:09 PM
The Israeli government has unanimously approved a plan to expand settlements and double the Israeli population in the occupied Golan Heights. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the decision, stating that "Strengthening the Golan strengthens Israel, and this is especially important during this period. We will continue to hold onto it, develop it, and settle it." The plan involves allocating more than 40 million shekels (over $11 million) to encourage demographic growth in the region, which has been held by Israel since 1967 and currently houses over 25,000 Israelis in more than 30 settlements. The move comes "in light of the war and the new front facing Syria." Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have condemned Israel's decision, with Saudi Arabia calling it "sabotage" and a violation of international law.
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