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VisitWhat will be the amount of damages awarded to BSV Claims Ltd by end of 2025?
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UK Competition Appeal Tribunal official ruling
Binance Seeks Dismissal of $12.8 Billion UK Lawsuit Over BSV Delisting
Jun 5, 2024, 03:07 PM
Crypto exchange Binance is seeking to dismiss the majority of a London lawsuit worth up to 10 billion pounds ($12.8 billion). The lawsuit, brought by BSV Claims Ltd, alleges that Binance and other exchanges colluded to delist the Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) cryptocurrency in 2019. The case is being heard at the UK's Competition Appeal Tribunal, with hearings beginning on June 5. BSV Claims Ltd is seeking $9 billion in damages from six companies, including Bittylicious, Payward, ShapeShift, Binance Europe, and KrakenFX, for the delisting of BSV.
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