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VisitWhat key milestone will NASA announce for the Artemis campaign by June 30, 2025?
Successful test of ML-2 • 25%
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Launch of Artemis II • 25%
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NASA official announcements, NASA website
NASA's Mobile Launcher-2 Costs Soar to $2.7 Billion for Artemis Campaign
Aug 27, 2024, 03:55 PM
NASA's Mobile Launcher-2 (ML-2) project, which supports larger variants of the Space Launch System (SLS), has seen its cost estimate skyrocket to $2.7 billion. This is a significant increase from the original estimate of $383 million. NASA estimates the ML-2 will cost $1.8 billion, over three times more than planned. The ML-2 is crucial for NASA's Artemis campaign, aimed at returning astronauts to the Moon and sending crewed missions to Mars. Despite efforts to improve project performance, the cost has surged to over three times the planned budget. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has provided detailed insights into the project's escalating expenses.
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Rocket prototype completion • 25%
Successful unmanned Mars landing • 25%
Astronaut crew selection • 25%
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Establishment of Mars mission command center • 25%
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Crewed Mars mission • 33%
Starlink global coverage • 33%
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Rocket prototype unveiled • 25%
Unmanned Mars mission launched • 25%
Manned Mars mission launched • 25%
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Artemis II delayed further • 25%
Artemis III delayed further • 25%
Both Artemis II and III delayed further • 25%
First commercial moon landing • 25%
First commercial Mars flyby • 25%
First commercial orbital hotel • 25%
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$100 million to $300 million • 25%