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UN Seeks $47.4 Billion for 2025 Aid as 'World Is on Fire'
Dec 4, 2024, 08:55 AM
The United Nations has launched an appeal for $47.4 billion in aid for 2025 to assist approximately 190 million people facing conflict, displacement, and starvation worldwide. The UN humanitarian office warned that the 'world is on fire,' highlighting a 'perfect storm' of surging conflicts, climate change, and inequality. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that a staggering 305 million people will need life-saving assistance next year, marking an unprecedented level of humanitarian need. The appeal comes at a time when this year's funding is not even half-funded, and officials fear major cuts from Western states, including the top donor, the United States. Despite securing early funding commitments of $1.5 billion for 2025 by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN acknowledges that it may only be able to reach about 190 million of those in need due to funding constraints. UN officials called for a surge in global solidarity to address the growing humanitarian challenges and emphasized the urgency of investing in humanity.
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