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VisitXiaomi Secures Independent Car Manufacturing Qualification for Four EV Models
Jul 12, 2024, 10:27 AM
Xiaomi has obtained an independent car manufacturing qualification, as confirmed by a regulatory filing and state media reports. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that Xiaomi Auto has received approval for four electric vehicle models. Previously, Xiaomi was using the state-owned automaker BAIC Group's license to produce vehicles. This transition marks a significant milestone for Xiaomi, allowing it to manufacture cars independently. Xiaomi's stock symbols are $XIACY and $XIACF.
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Official Xiaomi press releases, automotive news websites, regulatory filings
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Stock market data from financial news websites (e.g., Bloomberg, Reuters, Yahoo Finance)
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Official Xiaomi press releases, automotive news websites, regulatory filings
$2 billion to $3 billion • 25%
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$1 billion to $2 billion • 25%
Xiaomi's annual financial report, financial news websites (e.g., Bloomberg, Reuters)
More than 15% • 25%
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Automotive industry reports, market analysis from reputable sources (e.g., Bloomberg, Reuters)
Model D • 25%
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Model C • 25%
Official Xiaomi press releases, automotive news websites, regulatory filings