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VisitVeterans Affairs Reclaims $2.5 Billion from Veterans
Aug 24, 2024, 01:55 PM
The Department of Veterans Affairs has been reclaiming billions of dollars from veterans who received incentives to leave the military, according to new data obtained by NBC News. This initiative has led to veterans being forced to repay the money they were initially given by the government as part of downsizing efforts. The reclaimed amount is reported to be around $2.5 billion.
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Court records or credible news outlets
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Official Congressional records or credible news outlets
Yes • 50%
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Official announcement from the Department of Veterans Affairs or a credible news outlet
20,000 to 30,000 veterans • 25%
Less than 10,000 veterans • 25%
More than 30,000 veterans • 25%
10,000 to 20,000 veterans • 25%
Data from the Department of Veterans Affairs or credible news outlets
No new policy announced • 25%
Policy to maintain current reclamation practices • 25%
Policy to halt all reclamations • 25%
Policy to reduce the amount reclaimed • 25%
Official announcement from the Department of Veterans Affairs or credible news outlets
More than $3.0 billion • 25%
Less than $2.0 billion • 25%
$2.0 billion to $2.5 billion • 25%
$2.5 billion to $3.0 billion • 25%
Data from the Department of Veterans Affairs or credible news outlets