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VisitVenezuelan Opposition Leader Edmundo Gonzalez Faces Arrest After Ignoring Three Summonses
Sep 2, 2024, 08:00 PM
Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez is facing an arrest warrant after failing to respond to three summonses issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Gonzalez, a former presidential candidate for the Unitarian Democratic Platform, claims to have defeated President Nicolas Maduro in the July presidential election. He was required to appear on Friday to testify in the case against him. The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office, along with the Attorney General's Office, has warned that Gonzalez will face arrest if he does not comply with the summons. His claims of electoral victory have been supported by the United States and several Latin American nations. Gonzalez was scheduled to address EU foreign ministers amid the ongoing controversy over the election results.
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