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VisitUnited Teachers of Dade Retains Representation After Overwhelmingly Defeating Decertification Attempt, Wins 83% in Recertification Vote
Oct 24, 2024, 04:11 PM
United Teachers of Dade (UTD) has secured its position as the official representative for over 25,000 teachers and employees in Miami-Dade County Public Schools after winning a recertification election with 83% of the vote. The election was prompted by an attempt from a conservative group, associated with the Freedom Foundation, to decertify the union following the enactment of Florida's new union regulations (SB 256). This law requires public employee unions to maintain at least 60% dues-paying membership to avoid mandatory recertification elections. UTD President Karla Hernandez-Mats said, “As education professionals, we will continue to advocate for dignity and respect in our workplaces, and continue to be a voice for our students, to secure the resources they need.” While the victory is a significant setback for anti-union efforts in the state, UTD may face similar challenges in the future if its dues-paying membership remains below the threshold. Florida's teachers unions are also preparing to head to court on Thursday in a federal lawsuit challenging the new regulations.
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Yes • 50%
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Public records or announcements from UTD or relevant authorities regarding decertification attempts
Yes • 50%
No • 50%
Court rulings or official announcements regarding the federal lawsuit outcome
Yes • 50%
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Official membership records from United Teachers of Dade or relevant public announcements
Orange County Classroom Teachers Association • 25%
Other • 25%
United Teachers of Dade • 25%
Florida Education Association • 25%
Announcements from relevant unions or public records of decertification attempts
Settlement reached • 25%
Case dismissed • 25%
Unions win • 25%
Unions lose • 25%
Court rulings or official announcements regarding the lawsuit outcome
Less than 60% • 25%
60% to 75% • 25%
76% to 90% • 25%
More than 90% • 25%
Official election results from UTD or relevant election authorities