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VisitPutin Vows to Achieve All Goals in Ukraine on Second Anniversary of Reunification Day
Sep 30, 2024, 09:15 AM
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a video address on the second anniversary of Russia's annexation of the Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions from Ukraine. In his speech, Putin reiterated Russia's commitment to achieving all its goals in Ukraine, stating that the 'truth is on our side.' He accused Western elites of turning Ukraine into a military colony and emphasized that Russia did not abandon its brothers in the Donbass. Putin also described the neo-N@zi dictatorship in Kyiv and the liberating nature of the special military operation. He called the reunification a fateful event for the entire country. Putin's remarks were made on what Russia calls 'Reunification Day,' a date marking the controversial annexation following a widely disputed referendum.
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