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VisitOver 70 Dead from Mystery Illness in DRC's Kwango Province; WHO Sends Experts
Dec 5, 2024, 11:02 PM
An unidentified flu-like illness has emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), resulting in over 70 deaths since November 10, primarily in the Panzi area of the southwestern Kwango province. Symptoms include fever, headache, cough, runny nose, breathing difficulties, and anemia. Health Minister Roger Kamba announced that the government is on maximum alert, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has dispatched experts, including epidemiologists, to investigate the outbreak and collect samples. The disease has affected over 376 people, with children under five representing 40% of cases, and many of the fatalities being teenagers. Authorities suspect the disease may be airborne and are working to identify the pathogen responsible. Some patients have recovered, but the disease continues to spread in remote areas with poor healthcare access.
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Official reports from DRC Health Ministry or WHO
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WHO official announcements or declarations
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WHO official announcements or reports
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WHO or DRC Health Ministry reports
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WHO or DRC Health Ministry reports
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WHO or DRC Health Ministry reports