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VisitNASCAR Chicago Street Race Generates $128 Million, 17% Increase in Economic Impact
Oct 7, 2024, 01:51 PM
The second NASCAR Chicago Street Race, held over the July Fourth weekend, generated a total economic impact of $128 million, marking a 17% increase over the inaugural event. This data comes from a study commissioned by Choose Chicago, the city's tourism arm, and conducted by Temple University's sports industry research center. The event drew more visitors and filled more hotel rooms, significantly benefiting the local economy. The Chicago Sports Commission also released reports highlighting the economic and media impact of the race.
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Yes • 50%
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Economic impact report released by Choose Chicago or similar studies
No • 50%
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Hotel occupancy reports from Choose Chicago or related tourism data
No • 50%
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Visitor statistics released by Choose Chicago or the Chicago Sports Commission
Los Angeles • 25%
Chicago • 25%
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Economic impact reports from respective city tourism boards or similar studies
10% to 20% • 25%
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Economic impact report released by Choose Chicago or similar studies
More than $160 million • 25%
$130 million to $160 million • 25%
$100 million to $130 million • 25%
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Economic impact report released by Choose Chicago or similar studies