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VisitMcDonald's Extends $5 Meal Deal Through August at 93% of Locations
Jul 22, 2024, 04:00 PM
McDonald's has announced that it will extend its $5 meal deal at most of its U.S. locations through August. This decision comes after the initial four-week promotional period, which started on June 25, showed promising results in boosting customer traffic. The extension aims to attract budget-strapped diners who have been affected by recent price increases. According to an internal memo, 93% of McDonald's U.S. locations will continue offering the deal, which has been successful in driving traffic back to the restaurants. The move is part of McDonald's strategy to maintain affordability and compete with rivals such as Burger King and Starbucks, who are also offering deals to entice diners. Bloomberg News reported that franchisees voted to extend the promotion.
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94% to 97% • 25%
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90% to 93% • 25%
McDonald's official reports or press releases
Other competitors see the highest increase • 25%
McDonald's sees the highest increase • 25%
Burger King sees the highest increase • 25%
Starbucks sees the highest increase • 25%
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