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VisitIsrael Detains US Journalist Jeremy Loffredo, Charged with 'Aiding the Enemy' Over Mossad HQ Reporting
Oct 10, 2024, 09:54 PM
Israel has detained American journalist Jeremy Loffredo, who is accused of 'aiding the enemy in wartime' following his reporting from Mossad headquarters on Iranian missile strikes that allegedly penetrated Israeli air defenses and damaged IDF military bases. Loffredo, a reporter for The Grayzone News, has been held at a military base for over 24 hours. Critics have noted the silence from President Biden and other US officials regarding his detention. The charges against Loffredo could result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Observers point out that other media outlets, such as PBS News, reported similar information without repercussions, raising concerns about press freedom and the treatment of journalists reporting on sensitive military matters.
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