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VisitIBM Unveils AI Data Center Breakthrough, Reducing Energy Use by 80% and Transmitting 80 Times More Information
Dec 9, 2024, 02:25 PM
IBM has announced a significant breakthrough in AI data center technology, focusing on co-packaged optics that can enhance efficiency and reduce energy consumption. This new fiber optic technology is claimed to cut AI training times and energy use by up to 80%. By integrating more optical fiber connections onto chips, the technology could allow for the transmission of 80 times more information, thereby accelerating AI training processes and lowering data center energy costs. The advancements in optical chip prototypes are expected to reshape the future of AI computing and improve sustainability in data centers. Additionally, Microsoft's new datacenters are set to consume zero water for cooling, avoiding the use of 125 million liters of water annually, contributing to a more sustainable future.
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