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VisitHouse Intel Panel: Foreign Adversaries Likely Behind Havana Syndrome, IC Obstructed Probe
Dec 5, 2024, 07:53 PM
The House Intelligence Committee's Subcommittee on the CIA has released an interim report suggesting that it is increasingly likely that foreign adversaries are behind some of the Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs), commonly known as Havana Syndrome. The report criticizes the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) for obstructing the subcommittee's investigation into these incidents. Despite the IC's claims, members of the subcommittee, including Rep. Rick Crawford, believe that foreign adversaries, possibly Russian and Cuban intelligence officers or agents, are responsible for some of the reported AHIs. The report highlights the IC's attempts to hinder the subcommittee's efforts to uncover the truth, suggesting a cover-up by the intelligence community. An injured CIA officer described the March 2023 intelligence community report as a 'betrayal'.
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Official release of the final report by the House Intelligence Committee Subcommittee on the CIA
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