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VisitFederal Judge Allows Iowa to Challenge 2,176 Ballots of Potential Noncitizens
Nov 3, 2024, 11:57 PM
A federal judge has ruled that Iowa can continue challenging the validity of hundreds of ballots from potential noncitizens. The ruling comes after Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate ordered county auditors to challenge the ballots of 2,176 potential noncitizens, a move that has been met with a lawsuit from the ACLU. Critics argue that this effort threatens the voting rights of naturalized citizens. The decision follows a recent Supreme Court ruling that narrowed the Secretary of State's position. Judge Stephen Locher emphasized that this action will not remove anyone from the voter rolls.
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Court ruling or ACLU announcement
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Official statement from Iowa Secretary of State or county auditors
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Official reports from Iowa Secretary of State or media coverage
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Official reports from Iowa Secretary of State or media coverage
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