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VisitEquatorial Guinea Official Arrested Over 400 Sex Tapes Including President’s Sister
Nov 5, 2024, 01:26 PM
Baltasar Ebang Engonga, the Director General of Equatorial Guinea’s National Financial Investigation Agency, has been arrested for creating over 400 sex tapes using security cameras. The tapes, which include footage with the president’s sister, his brother’s wife, and several ministers’ wives, have led to a major scandal in the country. The videos were made in public places and have been described as Equatorial Guinea’s largest ever sex scandal. In response, Vice President Teddy Nguema announced plans to install surveillance cameras in all state body offices and warned against office sex. Additionally, the government has restricted citizens from sharing and downloading files on WhatsApp amid the scandal. The leaked videos have severely impacted the country's image. The Intelligence Chief has claimed that the leaked videos were AI generated.
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