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VisitCega Launches Vault Token Market on Ethereum and Arbitrum with Enhanced Liquidity Options
Sep 24, 2024, 02:01 PM
Cega, a decentralized structured investment protocol, has introduced its Vault Token Market (VTM), which allows users to unlock the extensive utility of Cega vault tokens. The VTM provides off-ramping capabilities, enabling users to exit mid-trade cycles and access liquidity quickly. This new offering also empowers users to withdraw USDC tokens at will, removing barriers to liquidity. Users can now stake Cega positions to borrow money or earn additional yields, and there are no longer 27-day lockups. The VTM is live on Ethereum and Arbitrum, and is backed by Dragonfly and Pantera Capital.
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$100 million • 25%
Publicly available blockchain data from Ethereum and Arbitrum or Cega's official reports
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