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PanGenome Graph Builder Introduces Unbiased, Lossless Pangenome Graphs
Oct 3, 2024, 02:24 PM
The PanGenome Graph Builder (PGGB) is a novel reference-free pipeline designed to construct pangenome variation graphs without bias or exclusion. PGGB utilizes all-to-all sequence alignments to create a comprehensive and unbiased graph where all genomes are treated equivalently, regardless of input order or phylogenetic dependencies. This method ensures that any input genome is completely retained in the graph, which can be used as a frame of reference in downstream analysis. The constructed graph is lossless, allowing for the identification of genetic variation, measurement of conservation, detection of recombination events, and inference of phylogenetic relationships. This development marks a significant advancement in the field of pangenomics by providing a more accurate and inclusive method for studying genetic diversity.
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