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VisitOutcome of Google's request for a bench trial decision by mid-2025
Judge grants bench trial request • 33%
Judge denies bench trial request • 33%
Case settled before trial decision • 34%
Court decision
Google Seeks Judge to Decide Virginia Antitrust Case Over Online Advertising Monopoly
May 17, 2024, 02:58 PM
Google has requested that a judge, rather than a jury, decide whether it violated U.S. antitrust laws by building a monopoly on the technology that powers online advertising. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has accused Google of anticompetitive practices in the online advertising marketplace and has argued that Google should be forced to sell its ad manager suite. Google's preference for a bench trial in Virginia is based on the belief that jurors may not fully understand the complexities of the case.
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Settles all cases • 25%
Appeals any guilty verdicts • 25%
Pays fines without appeal • 25%
No guilty verdicts to respond to • 25%
Google wins • 33%
FTC wins • 34%
Settlement • 33%
Google wins • 33%
Google settles • 33%
Google loses • 34%
Rumble wins • 33%
Google wins • 33%
Settled out of court • 34%
All lawsuits dismissed • 25%
Partial dismissals • 25%
Google found guilty in some cases • 25%
Google found guilty in all cases • 25%
Monetary fine • 25%
Structural remedy (e.g., divestiture) • 25%
Behavioral remedy • 25%
No remedy ordered • 25%
Google found guilty • 25%
Google found not guilty • 25%
Case dismissed • 25%
Settlement reached • 25%
Guilty on all charges • 33%
Guilty on some charges • 33%
Not Guilty • 34%
No significant impact on other tech companies • 25%
Other tech companies adjust their ad practices • 25%
Other tech companies face increased scrutiny • 25%
Other tech companies benefit from Google’s loss • 25%